
Boost Your Coaching with Great Participant Experience

In the competitive realm of health coaching, the key to sustainable growth goes beyond merely expanding client lists or increasing revenue. True success hinges on the profound impact you make on your participants’ lives. Investing in the participant’s experience isn’t just about delivering top-notch coaching—it’s about creating an ecosystem conducive to growth, trust, and transformative change. This article explores the multitude of positive outcomes health coaches can anticipate by prioritizing participant experience.

1. Amplified Client Engagement: Engagement levels skyrocket when health coaches focus on enhancing the participant experience. Personalized attention, active listening, and customized coaching sessions are fundamental. Such dedication fosters an environment that participants are enthusiastic about, driving their motivation, commitment, and adherence to the program, which culminates in improved outcomes and elevated client satisfaction.

2. Boost in Referrals Through Positive Word-of-Mouth: A stellar participant experience acts as a catalyst for positive word-of-mouth marketing. Satisfied participants are likely to share their success stories with friends, family, and colleagues, effectively generating a stream of referrals. Health coaches who exceed expectations not only cultivate a loyal client base but also expand their reach through enthusiastic participant recommendations.

3. Enhanced Client Retention: A strong investment in participant experience creates a robust bond of trust and connection. Participants who feel valued, heard, and supported are more inclined to persist in their coaching journey. This retention boosts business stability and growth, reducing client turnover.

4. Improved Client Outcomes: When participants feel genuinely cared for, they are more likely to achieve positive health outcomes. By prioritizing participant experience, health coaches provide a safe space that empowers individuals to explore, grow, and commit to sustainable lifestyle changes, leading to lasting health benefits.

5. Differentiation in the Marketplace: In a crowded marketplace, distinguishing your coaching practice is vital. By prioritizing participant experience, health coaches stand out as providers who deliver exceptional value. This not only establishes a unique brand identity but also attracts clients seeking a transformative and personalized coaching experience.

6. Personal Fulfillment and Satisfaction: Investing in participant experience offers immense personal fulfillment. Seeing participants grow, progress, and succeed provides ongoing motivation and reaffirms a coach’s purpose, inspiring continued dedication to impacting lives positively.

7. Professional Growth and Development: Participant feedback is a treasure trove of insights, helping coaches fine-tune their approaches and enhance program effectiveness. This ongoing adaptation and learning fuel professional growth, enabling coaches to refine their skills and expand their knowledge base.


Investing in participant experience transcends a mere business strategy; it’s a cornerstone of a thriving health coaching practice. By focusing on engagement, personalization, and genuine connection, coaches not only enhance their business metrics but also make a lasting impact on their clients’ lives.


Navigating health coaching and nutrition: Striking the balance between guidance and professional boundaries

Health coaching plays a vital role in empowering individuals to make positive lifestyle changes and achieve their wellness goals. One important aspect of health coaching involves providing guidance on nutrition. However, it is crucial for health coaches to understand and respect the boundaries between offering general guidance and delving into the specialized territory of a nutritionist. This article explores effective strategies for health coaches to strike the delicate balance between providing valuable guidance and avoiding encroachment into the domain of a nutritionist.

At Avidon Health, we believe technology should support all healthcare workers, but nutritionists and health coaches have distinct roles and areas of focus. Nutritionists specialize in providing expertise on dietary and nutritional needs, offering guidance on meal planning, nutrient intake, and addressing specific health concerns through nutrition education. On the other hand, health coaches take a broader approach, focusing on behavior change, holistic well-being, and supporting individuals in adopting sustainable lifestyle habits that promote overall health and wellness. While nutritionists provide specialized knowledge in nutrition, health coaches offer a comprehensive approach to address various aspects of an individual’s health, including physical activity, stress management, and emotional well-being. Both professions play important roles in supporting individuals in their health journeys, each with their own unique contributions and areas of expertise.

  1. Understanding the Roles:
    1. Differentiating between a health coach and a nutritionist.
    2. Recognizing the scope of practice for each profession.
    3. Complementary roles and collaboration opportunities.
  2. Establishing Clear Boundaries:
    1. Being aware of professional limitations.
    2. Setting clear expectations with clients regarding nutrition guidance.
    3. Educating clients on the role of a nutritionist and when a referral may be necessary.
  3. Building a Foundation of General Nutrition Knowledge:
    1. Developing a solid understanding of basic nutrition principles.
    2. Providing evidence-based information on balanced diets and healthy eating habits.
    3. Educating clients on nutritional guidelines and portion control.
  4. Active Listening and Client-Centered Approach:
    1. Focusing on the client’s needs, goals, and preferences.
    2. Encouraging open and honest communication about nutrition concerns.
    3. Tailoring coaching strategies to align with individual circumstances.
  5. Referring to Nutrition Specialists:
    1. Recognizing red flags and complex nutritional issues that require specialized expertise.
    2. Building a network of trusted nutrition professionals for referrals.
    3. Collaborating with nutritionists to ensure holistic care for clients.
  6. Continuous Professional Development:
    1. Staying updated on the latest nutrition research and guidelines.
    2. Participating in relevant workshops, courses, and conferences.
    3. Networking with professionals from diverse backgrounds to enhance knowledge and understanding.

As health coaches, it is essential to provide guidance on nutrition while respecting the boundaries of our profession. By maintaining a client-centered approach, continuously expanding our knowledge, and collaborating with nutrition specialists, when necessary, we can effectively support individuals on their wellness journey without overstepping into the realm of a nutritionist. Striking the right balance between guidance and professional boundaries enables us to empower our clients to make informed choices and achieve optimal health and well-being.

Research & Insights

Case Study: Integrated Healthcare System Increased Health Coaching Engagement

Integrated healthcare network increased health coaching engagement

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Seamless onboarding and digital coaching appointment bookings increased the number of overall coaching sessions 

The challenge

A large-scale integrated healthcare network offered its employees a corporate wellness program, including health coaching. They faced the challenge of delivering the program to all eligible employees, upward of 42,000 participants, across a vast hospital network. They needed a solution that could engage a multitude of employees of diverse ages, health needs, economic statuses, professional and cultural populations.

Case Study Healthcare Network cover

They faced three main pain points:

  • Program enrollment
  • Employee engagement
  • Program adherence

See how the Engagement Rx® digital health coaching platform created seamless onboarding, surveys, and personalized digital coaching journeys to increase overall program growth with higher engagement.

About Avidon Health

Avidon Health provides innovative coaching solutions to personalize engagement and create behavior change at scale. We are a team of behavior change experts who empower people to make positive life changes by focusing on the individual, not just the condition. Avidon’s core product, Engagement Rx, is a digital coaching platform used to improve adherence and outcomes for diverse populations, and includes an interactive eLearning portal, coach CRM, and Content Design Studio. This turnkey-but-customizable solution can serve as a standalone portal or embed within existing platforms to deliver personalized learning using proven behavior change frameworks.

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your participant engagement and provide long-term outcomes.

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©2023 Avidon Health LLC. All rights reserved. Avidon® and Engagement Rx® are registered trademarks of Avidon Health LLC.


How health and wellness coaches can streamline the participant’s journey

According to a study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion, individuals who receive wellness coaching have a 38% increase in their likelihood to participate in regular exercise, and a 31% increase in their likelihood to maintain a healthy diet. The participant’s journey is an integral part of the coaching process. It should be structured in a way that best facilitates learning and growth. One way coaches can streamline this journey is by utilizing tools such as assessment tools, feedback loops, and goal tracking systems.

Assessment tools are invaluable for helping coaches to quickly identify areas of strength and weakness in participants. By using tools such as surveys and questionnaires, coaches can gain a better understanding of the participant’s current situation. This helps them to create a customized plan that best fits their needs. Coaches can streamline the participant’s journey by tailoring their coaching approach to meet the specific needs of each participant. This involves considering their personality, learning style, and background to create a personalized coaching plan.

Feedback loops are also an important part of streamlining the participant’s journey. Coaches should aim to provide feedback that is both timely and valuable. This can be done through various types of communication, like one-on-one meetings, phone calls, texts, or email updates. By providing regular feedback, coaches can ensure that the participant is on track and making progress towards their goals.

Coaches should establish clear communication with participants from the outset of their coaching journey. This includes setting expectations for the coaching process, outlining goals and objectives, and discussing timelines for achieving these goals. Clear communication also involves providing ongoing feedback to participants and ensuring that they are aware of their progress and any areas that require improvement.

Finally, goal tracking systems can be used to help coaches stay organized and keep track of their participants’ progress. Coaches should work with participants to set achievable and measurable goals that align with their overall wellness objectives. This helps to keep participants motivated and focused on their progress and provides a framework for tracking progress and evaluating success. These systems can help coaches monitor progress and adjust as needed. They also provide accountability, which is essential for helping participants stay motivated and focused on their goals.

Overall, by taking a proactive, personalized, and structured approach, coaches can help to streamline the participant’s journey and ensure that they achieve their coaching goals efficiently and effectively. By utilizing assessment tools, feedback loops, and goal tracking systems, coaches can effectively streamline the participant’s journey. By taking the time to understand the needs of each individual participant, coaches can create customized plans that will best facilitate learning and growth. In the end, streamlining the participant’s journey is an invaluable tool for helping coaches to provide a top-notch coaching experience.

Health Coaches

Going the extra mile: How to provide an exceptional health and wellness coaching experience to people with chronic conditions

One of the keys to providing an exceptional coaching experience to people with chronic conditions is creating a safe, understanding, and supportive environment. It’s important for coaches to be aware of the unique challenges that individuals living with chronic conditions face daily–from managing symptoms and emotions to dealing with financial concerns and changes in lifestyle. A coach should create a space where clients feel comfortable expressing their feelings, share their stories and ask questions. Here are some additional strategies for coaches to consider:

  1. Develop a deep understanding of the condition. Coaches should take the time to educate themselves about the chronic condition that their participant is living with. This can help to build empathy and understanding and ensure that coaching recommendations are aligned with the individual’s specific needs.
  2. Focus on self-management. People with chronic conditions often need to take an active role in managing their condition on a day-to-day basis. When providing an exceptional coaching experience to those with chronic conditions, coaches should emphasize self-care. Offering various techniques such as relaxation exercises, mindfulness activities, and goal setting can help encourage a positive attitude towards a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, coaches can provide helpful tips and strategies to support clients in their journey towards maximizing both physical and mental well-being. Coaches should focus on empowering participants with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively self-manage their condition.
  3. Collaborate with other healthcare providers. Coaches should work collaboratively with other healthcare providers involved in the participant’s care, such as physicians, nurses, and physical therapists. Coaches should be knowledgeable of the latest advancements in treatments for chronic conditions and help to encourage that the doctor’s orders should be followed. They can provide evidence-based resources that help clients manage their condition and understand how different approaches may affect them in the short and long term. Health coaches should also be mindful of how their clients’ conditions may affect their abilities and limitations and accommodate them in the best way possible. This can help to ensure a coordinated approach to care and avoid any conflicting recommendations.
  4. Set realistic goals. When working with people with chronic conditions, it is important to set goals that are achievable and realistic. Coaches should work with participants to identify goals that are aligned with their overall health and wellbeing, while also taking into account the limitations imposed by their condition. This includes understanding their physical environment and gaining a clear understanding of the supporting care givers inside the home.
  5. Offer ongoing support. Coaching is an ongoing process, and people with chronic conditions often require ongoing support and guidance. Providing emotional support is essential for an effective coaching experience with people living with chronic conditions. Coaches need to take a holistic approach in their work, offering empathy while helping clients make decisions that will positively impact their lives. Asking questions and guiding conversations in a non-judgmental manner can help foster an atmosphere of trust and respect, allowing clients to find the strength to work towards achieving their goals. Coaches should be available to participants for ongoing check-ins, feedback, and support, to help them stay on track and achieve their goals.
  6. Use a strengths-based approach. Rather than focusing on the limitations imposed by the chronic condition, coaches should focus on the strengths and capabilities of the individual. This can help to build confidence and resilience and encourage participants to take an active role in managing their condition.

By creating a supportive environment, staying up to date on new treatments and therapies, emphasizing self-care, and providing emotional support, coaches can offer an exceptional experience to clients living with chronic conditions. With these practices in mind, health and wellness coaches can successfully help their clients lead healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives.


How lifestyle medicine positively impacts healthy sleep outcomes in older populations

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of human health and well-being, and its importance only increases as we age. Unfortunately, studies estimate that one in three older adults suffers from insomnia, and more than half of adults over age 65 report some form of sleep disturbance. The good news is that recent research highlights how lifestyle interventions can positively impact healthy sleep outcomes.

Lifestyle medicine principles like those promoted by Avidon Health, including diet, physical activity, and stress management, have been shown to improve sleep quality and duration. A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that adults who followed a healthy lifestyle had a lower risk of developing sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder associated with reduced oxygen intake.

A healthy diet also plays a critical role in promoting healthy sleep patterns in older populations. Research indicates that diets high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals can help regulate melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. Additionally, reducing caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine intake before bedtime and limiting food intake three to four hours before bedtime can also promote healthy sleep.

Stress management techniques, including meditation and yoga, have also been shown to improve sleep quality in older populations. A study published in the Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology found that older adults who participated in a mindfulness-based stress reduction program had significantly improved sleep quality and decreased insomnia symptoms.

The application of several lifestyle medicine principles can lead to better sleep outcomes for individuals. However, the numerous factors and considerations involved can quickly become overwhelming for both healthcare professionals and individuals. Thanks to technological advancements in lifestyle medicine, healthcare professionals can now provide personalized care paths that are easy to implement and encourage healthy sleep patterns. Avidon Health’s Engagement Rx®, for example, offers behavior-based content that addresses sleep hygiene and the importance of quality sleep, as well as techniques for stress management and relaxation to improve sleep.

In conclusion, healthy sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being, particularly for older adults. Fortunately, lifestyle interventions like those promoted by Lifestyle Medicine principles can positively impact healthy sleep outcomes in older populations. By adopting a healthy diet, incorporating physical activity and stress management techniques like meditation and yoga, and engaging with personalized care path experiences like Engagement Rx, older adults can experience better sleep quality and duration, leading to improved overall health and well-being.

Health Coaches

Will AI technology impact the practice of lifestyle medicine?

The practice of lifestyle medicine has been revolutionized by advances in technology and artificial intelligence (AI). While AI won’t replace a practitioner’s guidance on broad medical processes, AI-powered tools have enabled healthcare professionals to deliver highly personalized preventive care and provide patients with the opportunity to make healthier lifestyle choices. Likewise, several types of AI are already being employed by payers and providers of care, along with life sciences companies.

Even Apple is jumping in on the AI bandwagon. According to a report by Insider, Apple is working on a new AI-powered health coaching service that will use data from various sources such as Apple Watch to provide personalized health advice and coaching to users. The service will also reportedly include emotional tracking tools to help users manage their mental health. While Apple has not yet confirmed these plans, the company has previously expressed interest in the health and wellness space and has been expanding its health-related offerings through its various devices and services.

In this article, we will explore how AI technology is impacting the practice of lifestyle medicine.

  1. Personalized recommendations:

    AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data from a patient’s medical history, lifestyle habits, and other factors to generate personalized recommendations for improving their health. These recommendations could include diet and exercise plans, stress management techniques, and other lifestyle modifications.

  2. Early detection:

    AI can help identify early signs of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer by analyzing patterns in patients’ health data. This can enable healthcare providers to intervene earlier and potentially prevent the disease from progressing.

  3. Remote monitoring:

    Will AI technology impact the practice of lifestyle medicineAI-powered wearable devices and sensors can continuously monitor patients’ health metrics such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns, and alert healthcare providers if any abnormalities are detected. This can enable more proactive and personalized care, especially for patients who live in remote areas or have limited access to healthcare.

  4. Improved patient engagement:

    AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide patients with personalized guidance and support for lifestyle modifications, such as quitting smoking, improving sleep habits, and managing stress. This can improve patient engagement and adherence to recommended lifestyle changes.

Overall, AI has the potential to transform lifestyle medicine practices by enabling more personalized, proactive, and effective care for patients. Dr. Seema Sarin, MD, FACLM, author of The Practitioner’s Guide to Lifestyle Medicine said it best: “The biggest contributors to creating successful behavior change are recognizing the patient’s needs, beliefs, motives, self-regulation, habits, and resources available. This is why a tailored approach and not a one-size-fits-all is so critical. Automated care path technology can be essential for personalizing a place for each individual based on these areas in a highly scalable and cost-effective manner.”

Lifestyle medicine

AI is poised to deliver efficient, timely, and more personalized care; however, it’s important to note that AI should be used in conjunction with, and not as a replacement for, human healthcare providers.


Three key ways Avidon Health’s latest flow technology improves patient engagement

Trust, engagement, and personalized care pathways are critical to healthy outcomes.

Yet, today’s strained healthcare ecosystem often fails to support providers to see these key elements come to fruition. Office visits don’t typically allow providers the time necessary to develop a complete understanding of patient health and wellness needs. What’s more, creating customized wellness plans and ensuring adherence isn’t usually reimbursed. It’s through these actions, however, providers can manage and reverse chronic conditions. This power has never been more consequential.

Today, six in ten American adults have a chronic health condition. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S. and are fueling the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual health care costs.

These chronic diseases are caused by a shortlist of risky, yet-controllable behaviors that include poor nutrition, lack of sleep, physical inactivity, high stress, tobacco use, secondhand smoke exposure and excessive alcohol consumption. By empowering patients with the knowledge and tools to manage their health and behaviors, providers can impact change.

With the digital wellness platform Engagement Rx’s latest release, Flows 2.0, it’s never been easier for providers to personalize patient engagement to create behavior change at scale.

Here are three ways Flow 2.0 is improving patient engagement and outcomes:

One: Creating personalized care experiences

One-size-fits-all anything rarely delivers on its promise. The same holds true for technology solutions and care pathways. With Engagement Rx, providers get an easy-to-navigate digital tool powered by automation that delivers a personalized care experience for every patient.

Its Flows 2.0 gives providers the ability to create customized care pathways that address each patient’s unique health needs and wellness goals. The result: providers establish trust, share impactful resources, and build strong communication channels while patients engage, and play a more active role, in their care – all of which leads to better health outcomes.

Two: Providing relevant content and resources

With Flows 2.0 providers can now automate the delivery of patient-specific educational resources that supplement, and further support, learning provided at in-person office visits. The ability to share personalized content that addresses the needs of each patient means providers can meet patients where they are on their care path with the content they need.

Take a patient managing their heart health, for example. Their healthcare provider can now guide them down a care path filled with personalized, empowering content on everything from healthy lifestyle habits and medication management – and it’s all automated.

Three: Delivering engaging patient communication

Providing patients with the health and behavior-specific content, courses, and resources needed to make lasting change is the first step in helping them achieve their health goals. Engagement Rx not only allows providers to deliver motivating educational content, but it also gives them the ability to automate communications tailored to individual patient needs. Flows 2.0 allows providers to create automated messages initiated by patient actions like a missed appointment or wellness achievement. Their patients’ care paths may now include text or email reminders to get moving and prompts to schedule follow-up appointments – all aimed to make it easier for patients to stay engaged and on target to meet their goals.

With Engagement Rx’s Flows 2.0, providers can create customized care pathways, deliver engaging communication touchpoints, and provide relevant resources. Providers have the power, and the technology, to improve patient outcomes and reverse chronic conditions by providing patients with the content, tools and resources needed to manage their health.

Let’s chat about how providers can utilize Engagement Rx’s Flow 2.0 to improve patient outcomes without stretching scarce time and resources.


What is lifestyle medicine?

Lifestyle medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on the prevention and management of chronic diseases through lifestyle interventions, such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, and social support. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer account for 71% of all deaths worldwide. The good news is that these diseases are largely preventable, and lifestyle medicine provides evidence-based strategies for their prevention and management.

Recent trends in lifestyle medicine have shown promising results in achieving behavior change in chronic disease patients. Patients who take an active role in their health, by engaging in healthy behaviors, like diet, exercise, and mediation, are more likely to achieve their desired outcomes. For instance, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that a comprehensive lifestyle change program that focused on improving diet, exercise, and stress management significantly reduced the risk of heart disease among high-risk patients. The study demonstrated that patients who followed the lifestyle intervention program had a 90% reduction in angina symptoms, a significant decrease in medication use, and a 37% reduction in the rate of cardiac events.

Another study published in the Lancet found that a similar lifestyle intervention program that focused on diet and exercise was effective in improving glycemic control and reducing medication use in patients with type 2 diabetes. The study demonstrated that patients who followed the program had a 1.3% reduction in HbA1c levels, which is equivalent to the effect of a commonly prescribed diabetes medication.

These studies demonstrate the potential of lifestyle medicine in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs associated with chronic diseases. The medical community is gradually recognizing the importance of lifestyle interventions and patient engagement, and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine was formed in 2004 to promote the use of lifestyle interventions in the prevention and management of chronic diseases. By adopting a proactive approach to lifestyle change, patients can take charge of their health and make positive behavior changes that lead to improved health outcomes and a better quality of life. Avidon Health believes that the future of preventive care is inextricably linked to advances in technology, particularly when it comes to lifestyle medicine.

In conclusion, lifestyle medicine is a crucial approach to preventing and managing chronic diseases through evidence-based lifestyle interventions. Recent trends have demonstrated that patients who actively engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors like diet, exercise, and meditation achieve better health outcomes. Technology innovations in this field have further allowed healthcare professionals to offer more personalization, scalability, enhanced patient engagement, and remote monitoring capabilities. With Avidon Health’s technology, medical practices can extend their reach beyond physical boundaries to offer personalized care path experiences that help individuals achieve their health goals and ultimately lead to better population outcomes in terms of health status and overall well-being. By embracing lifestyle medicine as a proactive approach to healthcare, individuals can actively participate in their health and take the necessary steps towards living a healthy and fulfilling life.

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