
Privacy is our priority

Our technology evolves with participants.

Safe, confidential, and secure
no matter your needs or complexities

At Avidon Health, we recognize that our employees are integral to our Information Security Management System (ISMS). Ensuring they are well-trained in Information Security is vital to our long-term success.

Robust Security Awareness Training Program

Each year, we provide and require completion of a comprehensive Security Awareness Training program for all employees, interns, and contractors. This program includes:

  • Core Training Modules: Covering essential security responsibilities, regulatory and compliance requirements, and industry-specific risks.
  • Role-Specific Training: Additional modules tailored to each individual’s roles and responsibilities to ensure relevance to their work.

Assessment and Feedback

We collect feedback on individual training modules and assess each person’s overall Security Awareness Proficiency (SAP) and their attitudes towards security through a Security Culture Survey (SCS).

At the end of each training cycle, we review performance on the module assessments and the SAP and SCS results. These insights help us improve and customize our training program for the following year.

Commitment to Safety and Privacy

Engagement Rx® and all of Avidon Health’s solutions prioritize the safety and privacy of your organization and participants. We ensure that our security measures are robust and that our training programs are comprehensive and up-to-date, reflecting our commitment to safeguarding your information.

HIPAA compliant​

Our systems and processes are fully HIPAA compliant and come with Business Associate Agreements (BAA) with all applicable partners/vendors.

Accessibility compliant

older woman relaxing on the sofa with her tablet at home

Our end-user portal complies with WCAG 2.1 Level AA and we offer a third-party compliance audit report upon request.

GDPR compliant

woman smiling at security app on mobile phone

Privacy is a priority to us. We have specific processes and tools in place to ensure compliance and protect your data and privacy.

Authentication options

man listening to podcasts and making notes on the computer

Engagement Rx offers several authentication options including Single Sign-On (SSO) and eligibility files.

Enterprise-level encryption

businessman with glasses using his computer in his home office

Your data is always secure.  All data is encrypted at rest and PII data has an extra layer of encryption using AES-256 encryption. We enforce TLS 1.2 encryption for data in-transit both externally and internally within our network.

Additional security and compliance

woman unlocking phone with scan fingerprint biometric identity

Avidon Health courses and services are provided via the Microsoft Azure cloud platform which includes, but is not limited to, the following certifications:

In addition, Azure audits all our systems weekly and provides us with vulnerability and audit reports, as well as compliance reports for Azure CIS 1.1.0, ISO 27001, and SOC TSP.

HIPAA compliant

Our systems and processes are fully HIPAA compliant and come with Business Associate Agreements (BAA) with all applicable partners/vendors.

user searching on mobile device
older woman relaxing on the sofa with her tablet at home

Accessibility compliant

Our end-user portal complies with WCAG 2.1 Level AA and we offer a third-party compliance audit report upon request.

GDPR compliant

Privacy is a priority to us. We have specific processes and tools in place to ensure compliance and protect your data and privacy.

woman smiling at security app on mobile phone
man listening to podcasts and making notes on the computer

Authentication options

Engagement Rx offers several authentication options including Single Sign-On (SSO) and eligibility files.

Enterprise-level encryption

Your data is always secure.  All data is encrypted at rest and PII data has an extra layer of encryption using AES-256 encryption. We enforce TLS 1.2 encryption for data in-transit both externally and internally within our network.

businessman with glasses using his computer in his home office
woman unlocking phone with scan fingerprint biometric identity

Additional security and compliance

Avidon Health courses and services are provided via the Microsoft Azure cloud platform which includes, but is not limited to, the following certifications:

In addition, Azure audits all our systems weekly and provides us with vulnerability and audit reports, as well as compliance reports for Azure CIS 1.1.0, ISO 27001, and SOC TSP.

Engagement Rx

Engagement Technology
Care Team
Ongoing Accountability
Real-Time Data
Security and Compliance
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