
Podcast: Encouraging lifestyle changes driving significant impact on chronic conditions

Listen to the Empowered Patient Podcast with Karen Jagoda featuring Tim Aumueller, Co-CEO of Avidon Health.

Time to listen: 18 minutes – Empowered Patient Podcast

In this episode:

Tim Aumueller is the Co-CEO of Avidon Health and an expert on combining digital solutions and human coaching to help patients living with chronic diseases make lifestyle changes. While drugs will most likely always be part of a treatment plan, direct behavior change science is demonstrating the impact that healthy behaviors have on prevention and mitigation of chronic diseases especially those related to obesity.

With a focus on the different elements of meaningful engagement, Avidon is deploying Engagement Rx® to take into account learning style and preferred method of communication to provide the appropriate mixture of personalized support and online guidance. The key is to see the patient as more than the medical condition and coming up with an approach that fits with their lifestyle and encourages healthy behavior changes. It is also critical to measure progress and when goals are accomplished.

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.


Providing substance abuse support in a virtual world

Substance use support delivered virtually is accessible, cost-effective, and allows anyone struggling with substance use disorder to incorporate life-changing cognitive-behavioral tools into their daily habits.

Time to read: 3 minutes
By Clark Lagemann


  • COVID-19 pandemic created more barriers to care for those suffering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
  • Shuttered recovery centers and attention redirected from SUD to the pandemic left those experiencing substance misuse fewer resources for help. But the lack of virtual resources is also a longstanding challenge.
  • According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, of the 19 million adults who needed substance use care in 2016, only 10.8 received support.
  • Barriers to support include expense, unrealistic time commitment away from work and family, and perceived shame of seeking help.
  • Virtual SUD support is a solution to extend help to those in need. Virtual SUD support is accessible, cost-effective, and allows anyone struggling with substance use disorder to incorporate life-changing cognitive-behavioral tools into their daily habits.

Click here to read the full article.


For contributed media inquiries, contact:
Kristin Hege

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