The last three years have been detrimental to the U.S. healthcare system. We’ve all seen the headlines proclaiming the “U.S. Healthcare System is in Critical Condition,” or that “Providers are Serving More with Less Staff, Funding.” These all ring true – the system is fractured.
The healthcare system’s stressors are being compounded at every turn. To start, healthcare workers are burnt out. A recent study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, a peer-reviewed journal, shows that nearly 63% of physicians reported one manifestation of burnout in 2021, a dramatic increase from 38% in 2020 suggesting distress was overwhelmingly work related.
Also adding to the strain are staffing shortages, forcing already weary healthcare workers to do more with less. The alarm’s been sounding for years, but today, the U.S. faces a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges. The same story is playing out across the board, from primary to mental healthcare.
And at a time when patients need extra support to overcome the many barriers throughout their healthcare journey – which can hinder care, progress and recovery – providers are also in need of reinforcements. Advanced technologies, like automation, are coming to their aid.
Providing health and wellness support that goes beyond the clinic
There often aren’t enough hours in the day for patients to take the actions they want, and need, to make lasting health and wellness changes. However, given the sheer prevalence of chronic health conditions in the U.S., where 6 in 10 Americans live with at least one chronic disease, it is imperative providers take action to support their patients’ wellness journeys in any way they can. The good news, they can achieve this without working around the clock.
With a digital wellness tool, providers can bridge the care gap to support patients well beyond the clinic. How? By automating everything including patient messaging, reminders, coaching and the sharing of engaging, relevant and on-demand content that addresses individual needs without requiring added time from already strained healthcare workers.
Meeting patient expectations that don’t align with traditional care models
Physical and follow-up appointments typically don’t allow adequate time to address all of a patient’s needs. As for the one-on-one coaching that drives engagement and helps patients achieve lasting healthy outcomes, that’s impossible in a traditional care setting.
Patients, however, both need and have come to expect high, personal levels of care – like the 24/7 help they receive from nearly all other services. It’s a standard of care that only stands to exasperate provider burnout. And with value-based care, providers have to meet expectations for improving health outcomes, despite factors that are well beyond their control.
Here comes automation to lighten the load. With digitally enabled at-home support, providers can meet – and also exceed – patient expectations by creating personal care paths that elevate the entire patient experience. Now, providers can give patients the personal coaching and attention they need to achieve their health and wellness goals.
Delivering personalized care experiences that lead to better outcomes
Digital platforms – like Engagement Rx® with Flows 2.0 – deliver wellness coaching and automation to help providers meet patients where they are and deliver essential wellness services 24/7. With the ability to automate digital patient interactions, say after a missed appointment or wellness achievement, providers can keep patients on track with ease.
Such platforms can be leveraged to:
- Deliver on-demand, microlearning content and courses
- Communicate patient support in a private, convenient way
- Provide messages of encouragement and track progress
With the ability to create personalized care pathways, providers can help patients build a solid foundation for every step of their health and wellness journey. It’s a win-win-win for patients, providers and the healthcare system. Patients who successfully improve their health, complete treatment protocols and continue to make healthier choices require fewer interventions – meaning less strain on limited resources and weary healthcare providers.
Discover how Avidon Health’s Engagement Rx Flows 2.0 makes it easier for providers to create customized care pathways for large groups of patients that can effectively deliver more personalized care, patient interactions and lasting healthy outcomes.
Avidon Health is transforming how organizations promote healthier lifestyles through behavior change science and technology-driven coaching. Our mission is to empower individuals to achieve better health outcomes while driving measurable business success for our clients.With over 20 years of expertise in health coaching and cognitive behavioral training, we’ve built a platform that delivers personalized, 1-to-1 well-being experiences at scale.Today, organizations use Avidon to reimagine engagement, enhance health, and create lasting behavior change—making wellness more accessible, impactful, and results-driven.