For employees struggling with addiction, digital tools can be the first step toward treatment

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Employees dealing with the relentless stress of the pandemic are increasingly turning to drugs and alcohol to take the edge off.

Time to read: 3 minutes
By Paola Peralta


  • Even in the face of office re-openings and the imminent return of the world as we once knew it, the uptick in employees grappling with substance use isn’t likely to subside.
  • By June of last year, 13% of Americans reported starting or increasing their substance use as a way to cope with stress or emotions related to COVID-19, according to the CDC.
  • At-risk employees are spelling trouble for workplace productivity.
  • “When there’s a stigma it means you probably don’t want to get help.”
  • Avidon Health released LivingClear to address the need for new, discreet solutions for SUD.

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Kristin Hege


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